Once upon a time, there was a knitting show, a very prestigious knitting show, with many famous teachers coming from across the world. Many yarnies, dyers and makers of useful knitterly things wanted more than life itself to be a part of this amazing gathering. So they all sent pleas to the organisers of the show, begging 'please tell us how we can join in with this wondrous happening'. Replies came forth from the organisers and some of the dyers,yarnies and makers of useful things saw that the cost was large, and that they would be disappointed, until...
One of the yarnies had a seed in her mind, that grew into an idea 'why not work together, so we
can go to the show?' She quickly told the others of this idea, and the others were excited, and agreed that the idea was good, but what shall we be called? Another yarnie also had a seed of an idea for this, and so.....
Little Indies was born